Tuesday, January 03, 2006

He Heart Tom Lyden

(photo caption) Don't take it personally, Tom, but you're worth a lot of points to someone.

I had the chance to have an E-mail dialogue with a local Twin Town reporter yesterday. Here is the dialogue in its entirety. Names have been changed to protect the innocent.

>>> Fogbot 1/2/2006 1:10:48 PM
Hi! Great job on the investigating. Question for you: What is your birthdate (day and year)?

Keep up the good work!

>>>From: "Tom Lyden" <Tom.Lyden@FOXTV.COM
To: Fogbot
Subject: Re: Hi Tom
Date: Mon, 2 Jan 2006 14:55:00 -0800

Why in the world would I give that out?

>>> Fogbot 1/2/2006 5:00:48 PM
Hi Tom-
That's a fair question. I can give you that answer provided you share your birthdate. I assure you that it will not be used for any ill purposes or CJ columns (which may be one in the same).

Please consider. Thanks for the time,

>>>From: "Tom Lyden" <Tom.Lyden@FOXTV.COM
To: Fogbot
Subject: Re: Hi Tom
Date: Mon, 2 Jan 2006 15:12:00 -0800

Now that wouldn't make any sense. I don't know you, and I have no idea what you're up to. Although I do know your dob 2/30/XX. And you've got a very nice picture on the internet too!

>>> Fogbot 1/2/2006 7:06:51 PM
LexisNexis is indeed a handy tool.

Well, here's the deal, and you can play along if you like. You were selected as a 2006 Dead Pool draft pick by a member of a league that I organize. As a diligent curator of said league, I like to provide as detailed as possible league information, standings, et cetera. Obviously, I don't have your birthdate at the moment, nor do I wish to pay a subscription fee to LexisNexis or similar providers.

Therefore, the easiest way to find out your birthdate would be to simply ask.

If, however, you want to make a game of it, I'm more than happy to play along. There are many ways to find this information easily, legally, and free -- and you know about the easy and legal means from your LexisNexis experience -- and I'll be sure to do so. Local celebrities like Denny Hecker, Doug Woog, Ruth Koscielak, Carl Pohlad, Mike Lynn, Jim Marshall, and others have all, at one time or another, been selections in my league. And all of their birthdates have been discovered, whether they wanted them to be or not. Just ask Denny Hecker's secretary.

So, like I said, I'll find it out one way or another, but it'd be easier for all of us if you simply smiled, felt flattered by your selection, and said, "Ah, hell...I'll play along with them!"

P.S.: The pictures of you on the Internet are equally pleasant.

From: "Tom Lyden" <Tom.Lyden@FOXTV.COM
To: Fogbot
Subject: Re: Hi Tom
Date: Mon, 2 Jan 2006 17:23:00 -0800

Flattered? My colleagues think I should be pissed, offended, insulted, vaguely threatened...

But actually, I'm only disappointed. I thought you might've been after something more...interesting. Anyway, you're on your own for the information. Good luck. And tell the bloke who selected me that while I have my share of foes, I'm in excellent health.

Happy New Year

>>> Fogbot 1/2/2006 7:06:51 PM
Your colleagues take themselves too seriously. Tell Trish to lighten up.

You'll be the first to know when I find your special day. Thanks for the dialogue; it was memorable/fun/flattering.


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